Become a Vendor
New & Returning Vendor Application Forms & Market Rules
If you are a returning vendor or are interested in becoming a CCFM vendor in 2016, then please click here to download our Vendor Application Packet.
NOTE: The 2016 application deadline for vendor priority review has been extended to April 15th, which will assure those applicants of priority review of their application within the rules and regulations and vendor category selection guidelines. It does not guarantee a specific booth location.
Before you apply for the Cloverdale Certified Farmer’s Market as a new or returning vendor, please read and acknowledge our CCFM Rules and Regulations, Vendor Etiquette Rules and Vendor Traffic Rules, all of which are part of the 2016 Vendor Application Packet. When submitting your application package, be sure that everyone on your team has initialed all three rules documents acknowledging receipt and that you and all of your participating staff have read and agreed to them. Also, please include all three initialed rules documents with your application packet.
The Market Fee Schedule is subject to change each year. Please review the Fee Schedule for 2016.
If you are a backyard farmer or have a micro-farm and would like to participate in the Market, please contact the Market Manager to discuss possible first year “scholarship” opportunities.
Please return all completed application packets, fees and documents to:
Attention: Market Manager
Address: PO Box 906, Cloverdale, CA 95425
Phone: (707) 893-7211